Protect Your Home From Winter Damage

Protect Your Home From Winter Damage   We can agree, for the most part, that the wintertime is beautiful. As the seasons change, our world becomes blanketed in a snowy landscape covered in festive lights and other seasonal decor. Although it’s a gorgeous time of year, the winter cold, snow and ice are not only […]

Basement Renovation Ideas

Basement Renovation Ideas   If you’re thinking about finishing your basement, it can be a great way to upgrade the functionality of your home while still getting a decent return on investment down the road. In this blog, we’ll cover a few creative directions that can take your basement to the next level as a […]

Closing the Cottage for the Winter

It is always a sad day when you are sitting at the cottage, and the leaves start to turn, and you realize that the nights are getting cooler. We usually delay the decision to close up the cottage to the last minute. Given our uncertain weather events these days, it is best not to wait. Frozen pipes can cause a great deal of damage.